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Saturday 8 July 2023

What Are The Properties Of Garlic And Why Put It Under The Pillow

Garlic is very beneficial for our health. It has been used since ancient times for its medicinal properties. However, garlic does not bring us many benefits only when we eat it.

It has diuretic, cleansing and antimicrobial properties. These properties are largely due to the sulfur compounds it contains, such as ajoene, allyl trisulfide, and allicin, a sulfur compound that forms when fresh garlic is peeled and chopped.

Garlic is a source of vitamins B and C, as well as certain minerals such as potassium, phosphorus or iodine. But, as we have already said, it also has a number of other advantages, which we will talk about.

Why You Should Put Garlic Under Your Pillow

If you want to experience the benefits and benefits of garlic, putting raw garlic under your pillow can help improve your sleep quality. Inhaling the sulfur compounds in garlic can help clear the airways. In other words, the strong aroma of garlic can help us breathe better while we sleep.

Additionally, garlic also has a calming effect, helping us fall into deep, restorative sleep. This will allow us to renew our energy and improve our daily physical performance, helping us to spend our day more serenely.

Benefits of sleeping with garlic under your pillow

Improves sleep. Garlic has a calming effect that helps us sleep better and improves physical performance. A good rest will help you improve your physical performance and improve the functioning of the respiratory system. The aroma of garlic clears the airways and relieves coughs.

If you have trouble sleeping, this technique can help you. At first, the strong garlic smell may put you off, but it takes some getting used to. Keep in mind that other basic healthy habits are very important for good sleep.

The most important thing is to ventilate the room daily. Good ventilation will help the respiratory system to work properly and, therefore, to sleep better. By ventilating a room, you renew the air you breathe by filling it with oxygen.

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