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Thursday 7 March 2013


2000 Years Ago

- Roman Britain
- Greek/Roman culture, education, technology and the Christian faith comes to England
Roman Britain
2000 years ago, before the Romans invaded Britain, there was already trade between the Celtish tribes in Britain and the Romans who were ruling France (then called Gaul). About 100 BC. Notably woollen clothes and rugs made in Britain were easily sold the Romans in Gaul in exchange for wine. It was also obvious to the Romans that the British Celts had Gold Silver and Bronze so:-
- 2000 years ago Romans decided to have a closer look at England
The one and only Julius Caesar led the first army which arrived in Kent. However, Julius Caesar was beaten back by the local (Kent) Celtish King Cunobelinus. Caesar came back with a fleet of 800 ships and beat our Celtish hero and made a peace deal with him but Caesar had more important things to do in Rome and Roman action in Kent was quiet until:-
England capitulates
The Romans under Emperor Claudius reappeared (AD 43)with a massive army of 40,000 troops, defeated the local Kentish hero Caratacus and marched north and took Colchester in Essex. At this time the Romans were perhaps 1500 years ahead of the world in military power, technology and law and order.
At about this time Jesus was born in modern day Israel which at that time was part of the Roman empire
The Romans divided England into four areas centred at the following towns London, Cirencester, York and Lincoln. The largest uprising against the Romans was by a woman ruler, the now famous Boadicea (Latin name Boudicca). She ruled the Iceni tribe in East Anglia. Before defeat she lost 80,000 warriors.
For those who behaved themselves life improved under the Romans who improved law and order, personal hygiene (regular washing), sewage systems, good roads and introduced and grew many new crops including: roses, apples and wine. Up to this time local women either dressed in dresses made of wool in the winter or linen from local flax in the summer. The Romans introduced silk obtained from Asia and cotton grown in Egypt. But these were only for the rich.
Around 200 AD the Romans started building houses out of stone rather than wood which were much more substantial.
By 300 AD life in Britain was almost on a par with Rome, a visitor from there writing “Britain is a most wealthy island” 100 years later it was all finished as the Roman legions withdrew to defend Rome which was under attack from Germanic north of the Rhine. Britain was left defenceless against attack from similar peoples, the Anglo Saxons.

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